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  • Housekeeping
    • Introductions
    • Looking at our toolbox: CourseSite, wiki, bookmarks, etc.
    • Reviewing syllabus
      • Assignments and grading
      • First step: Completing your first WTL entries
    • Questions thus far?
  • Conceptual work
    • What is social studies?
      • Jigsaw(-ish) / LGL activity
        • Form two groups
          • Group A: Use the collected memories from our WTL exercise. 
          • Group B-E: Gets everything else! 
        • Group: Look over your collection and create GROUPS of items that seem to be similar.
        • Label: Identify each group by a short (1-4 word) label.
    • What is social studies methods?
      • Content?
      • Techniques?
      • Lesson planning?
    • Notes on the "unfunded mandates" in the class
    • Social studies / methods class and arts integration
    • Methods class and portfolio : Portfolio updating
    • Who am I as a social studies educator? 
    • Further resources for social studies ed
      • Standards
        • PDE: Old standards and new standards are both available in CourseSite – look down at the bottom of the page.
        • National organizations. (Note the big four content areas, plus the umbrella/integrated organization, NCSS; the big new thing is the C3 framework)
      • Lesson plans & curricular materials
        • PDESAS
          • Curriculum in elementary social studies = pretty patchy. But do note the organizational scheme of Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Essential Concepts, etc.
          • Lesson plans, activities, etc. – be sure to start at the "Advanced Search" page.
        • Given the absence of unified curriculum at the PDE level, I've bookmarked a number of district-level curricula, both within Pennsylvania and elsewhere. 
        • Schools of California Online Resources for Education has some pretty useful stuff. 
        • The national organizations also feature important resources – for example, we'll be highlighting EconEdLink from the Council for Economic Education.
      • "Stuff"
  • Closure
    • Review of what's due next week – reminder about filling in info for "Weaving the Globe"
    • Review of what's where (wiki, CourseSite)
    • Any questions?


  • Going outside: Teaching latitude and longitude with GPS units (and Google there's an inside component, too!)
  • More location-aware technologies: Augmented reality activity on the history of Bethlehem Steel (courtesy of Megan Stotz)
  • Video-conferencing for social studies! Let's talk to alumna Julie Ellis, currently talking to us from Hong the future.
  • Social studies and arts integration.
  • Commencement exercise 
