This procedure downloads and installs the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client, which is necessary for off-campus access to Lehigh resources.
1. Go to the App Store and search for Cisco Anyconnect. Sign on to your Apple ID when promptedSecure Client. Tap Get to download the app. Sign on to your Apple ID if prompted.
2. Once it's installed, tap the icon 'OPEN' to start the program.
3. When asked, click 'OK' to approve extending the built-in VPN client with Cisco AnyConnect.
4. In the AnyConnect Window, tap 'Connections' and then 'Add VPN Connection. . .' to enter a new VPN server name.
5. Enter 'Lehigh VPN' in the 'Description' field, enter '' in the 'Server Address' field, and click 'Save'.
6. To activate the connection, tap the slider next to 'AnyConnect VPN'.
7. Set 'Group' to 'Library Resources' only if you're connecting to access a library database or are using an unsecured public wifi connection. Leave the default 'General Access' for any other situation.
8. Finally, enter your Lehigh username and password, and click 'Login'.
If you need to access Library Resources (i.e. use a 'Full Tunnel' to the VPN), when the Lehigh Login window appears, tap the 'Back' button then, tap on the 'Group' entry, and then tap 'Library/International', and then tap 'Authentication' to return to the Login Window.
8. Finally, complete a Lehigh Login, and a Duo Sign in.
9. An icon will appear in the status bar, indicating the VPN connection. To disconnect, tap the icon, and tap the AnyConnect VPN slider again.