Welcome to Lehigh!
This comprehensive guide outlines the essential steps to successfully complete establishing your Lehigh University computing account. Within these pages, you'll find invaluable information on:
Establishing Your New Student Lehigh University Account Credentials - This step is completed when accepted to Lehigh in order to log in and pay your deposit.
Duo Multifactor (2FA) Authentication Enrollment - Lehigh University’s official multifactor (2FA) authentication platform. This required step cannot be completed until your Lehigh University email account is provisioned.
Activate your Gmail Account - Lehigh University’s official email service that is part of Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite. Google Workspace is a collection of tools for productivity, collaboration, and communication. You will be notified via admissions when you can anticipate that your LU email account will be provisioned.Duo Multifactor (2FA) Authentication Enrollment - Lehigh University’s official multifactor (2FA) authentication platform. This required step cannot be completed until your Lehigh University email account is provisioned and claimed.
Hawkwatch Alerts Enrollment - Lehigh University’s official personal safety mobile app.
General Computing Account Usage - How to get your LIN, use Banner self-service, and more.