Course activities and resources may be imported from any other course in which you have editing-level permissions. This will allow you to reuse instead of re-creating recreating one or more activities or resources. Import Imported course data does not include any student data, e.g. forum posts or submitted assignments!.
Please Note: When you import data, you will NOT overwrite any existing content in your course shell.
- From Course navigation > More > Select Course reuse
- If necessary, you can search for the course you wish to import content from. NOTE: Please search using only terms, leaving out special characters such as dashes.
- Select the course you wish to import from and click Continue. You will be presented with the "import settings" page. In
Import settings
While in most cases, you will leave the default options selected, you may wish to reuse certain settings.
For example, you may only want to import the question bank, or only import activities and resources.
When you have selected your desired options, click Next. Do not jump to the final step.
Content to include
The next step is the most crucial when performing a selective restore. You will be presented with a complete list of all topics and content in the source course. Select only the topics/content you wish to reuse in the current (target) course.
You should uncheck any Turnitin, Perusall, Google Assignments, or Zoom Meeting links as these non-moodle activities need to be re-added to function properly.
Once you have made your selections, click Next.
Review selections and confirm
The next to final step will display a comprehensive list of all the settings and content you have selected to be imported into the target course. Carefully review your selections, then click Perform import. NOTE: Depending on the amount of content you selected, the import process may take significant time. Please be patient and do not click the button or refresh the page - doing do may result in content being imported again.
Import complete
Once the import completes, you should see the "Import complete.. Click continue to return to the course" message, or an error message indicating that the import process did not take place.