Info |
PLEASE NOTE: You You and your students must use your Lehigh Google students must use your Lehigh Google Account ( for Google Assignments to work properly and you should only sign into one google account instance at a time in for Google Assignments and you should only sign into one Google account at a time in your browser. Chrome browser preferred. Need help with thisusing multiple Google accounts? - Please review: Using Multiple Google Accounts |
The teacher Professor or TA who links their account with account with the initial Google first Google Assignment in the course is the owner of the archive assignment files . on their personal Google drive. This cannot be undone.
In your designated course with editing turned on, start by adding an activity or resource as usual.
Pick Google Assignments tool and then click on Add:
Fill out the following fields:
Activity name: whatever you’d like for your assignment.
Click show more to Click Show More to edit the Activity description and check desired display options on the course page
Leave all other general and privacy settings at the default
Edit additional settings as needed
Click on Save and display
You MUST select SAVE and DISPLAY, NOT Save and Return to course. |
You should see Google Assignments load. If it's your first time using Google Assignments, you may be prompted to sign-in to your Lehigh Google account if not already logged in.