- Lehigh is a member of the InCommon Federation. Through InCommon, 's Participants (member institutions) operate Identity Providers ' such as Lehigh University, provide users from other member institutions single sign-on (SSO) convenience and privacy protection to internet Service Providers. (IdPs - network-accessible services that authenticate users and provide identity information, according to local policy, about Service Providers' current users) and Service Providers (SPs - network-accessible services that rely on information from IdPs for the purpose of making access decisions and/or personalizing the user’s experience). Lehigh's IdP is located at https://sso.cc.lehigh.edu/sso, and there are over 4000 SPs within the InCommon federation. Some examples of SPs popular at Lehigh are Course Site (our moodle based Learning Management system), G Suite, the qualtrics survey tool, and zoom (web conferencing).
- In addition to SSO, InCommon also coordinates eduroam, a wireless service between educational institutions. See https://lts.lehigh.edu/services/eduroam-wireless-access for instructions on using eduroam with your Lehigh account.