This page lists, links to, and briefly describes files developed for the purposes of teaching social studies using geospatial tools (primarily Google Earth and My World GIS). Most, but not all, of these files have been developed at Lehigh University by students in the Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools (TLT 368) course taught by Dr. Hammond.
Description: Presents major religious denominations of Europe, circa 1600: Roman Catholic, Orthodox, etc.
Source consulted: European Religions, 1600 by Holt, Rinehart, Winston.
circa 1607: Jamestown area Native American groups
Two Google Earth files to use:
- The main file, created by the Virginia Center for Digital History, Virtual Jamestown Project: indian_groups.kmz
- An accompanying file, for the purposes of putting the historical data in an instructional context, created by Tom Hammond, 2012: Jamestown supplemental material.kmz
1585-1620: Early British settlements in North America
Google Earth created by Tom Hammond, 2012: British_colonies_in_North_America_ver02.kmz. Note that this overlay links to a file created by the Virginia Center for Digital History, Virtual Jamestown Project: indian_groups.kmz, along with various sources for overlays of historical maps.
SmartNotebook file to accompany Google Earth overlay (contains static versions of historical maps, plus other information): early_colonies_notebook_ver01.notebook.
- Expands upon VCDH's concept of Jamestown viewed from "inside the longhouse" -- rather than view the English settlement in a vacuum, this overlay shows the inverse: the Native American settlements in the region. For the English, it was a New World; for the Chesapeake-area residents, it was a familiar territory. For more information about the file, see
- Accompanying documents and data, including the and data, including the 1595 map by John White, 1608 map by John Smith, and locations for the archaeological Jamestown and a reconstructed Fort Raleigh at Roanoke. This file can both re-create and subvert the "settlement in a vacuum" understanding presented in many textbooks. For more context, look up the White map (1585) or Zuniga map (1607, plus several New England colonies (Plymouth, but also predecessors at Cuttyhunk and Popham).
For more information about the Virtual Jamestown project, including other geospatial displays of the area, see
Description: Provides a path from the expedition's starting point to its terminus on the Pacific Coast. Includes images from places and encounters along the way, and makes use of the Rumsey historical map collection to include the engraved map produced from the expedition's sketches.
1804 - 2005: The Louisiana Purchase & Native American Displacement
Extensive Google Earth file – incorporating GIS data and historical map overlays – developed by the Teaching American History project at Portland State, 2008: LA_Purchase_Native_GoogleEarth.kmz