Description: Shows the segments and locks along the Morris Canal as it crossed northern New Jersey between the Delaware River (opposite the Lehigh Canal) and the Port of New Jersey (opposite New York City).
1933 - 1945: Jewish populations during the HolocaustThe Holocaust
Google Earth timeline of Nazi camps, 1933-1945, from the US Holocaust Memorial & Museum: http://www.ushmm.org/maps/camps.kml
Description: Timeline of placemarks, starting with Dachau. For the selected camps, provides dates of opening / closing, types of prisoners held there, estimates of population and number killed, companies that used labor from the camp, etc.
My World GIS file created by Tom Hammond, 2011: Jewish populations circa Holocaust ver01a.m3vz
Still in development: Adapting the map files to the historical reality--for example, the former Yugoslav and former Soviet states need to be re-configured to square up with the politics of 1933 and 1945.
1939-1945: World War Two
Google Earth file developed by Tom Hammond, spring 2012: World_War_2_ver04.kml
Description: Still very much a work in progress. Overviews events in the European and Pacific theaters.
GIS fileset on World War Two casualties developed by Eric Budge, summer 2011–see fileset page.
Description: World-wide (country-by-country) and American (state-by-state) figures for casualties (civilian as well as military) during World War Two. Great for getting across the points that (a) this is truly a world-wide conflict, and (b) the scale of human destruction is staggering, especially once you consider some of the non-US contexts.
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
Google Earth file developed by Yuanyuan Zhang, 2010: Soviet vs US warheads.kmz