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WEEKS -  1 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Session 1 - Wednesday, 26 Jan


  • Show-and-tell time with your Original Instructional Material #1
  • Organizing framework #1: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), extended to Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
  • My show-and-tells, selected in part to demonstrate some TPACK
    • Declaration of Independence signers: ArcGIS Online map by Julie Oltman & Tom Hammond; StoryMap by Tom Hammond
    • Holocaust: map created by Tom Hammond, 2016; additional border layers from Julie Oltman
    • Something simple: European settlements along the Lehigh River: StoryMap created by Tom Hammond, 2018:
  • Another (stolen) show-and-tell, this time to demonstrate the primacy PCK (PCK > TPACK?): 'The Story of Aaron'
  • Organizing framework #2: Teacher 'stances' towards social studies instruction
    • In context of a specific discipline: stances towards history education
    • Example: 'The Story of Aaron' = ?? Traditional? Disciplinary? Social?
  • Looking ahead to OIP #2

After class

  • Reading
    • Chapin chapter on Teaching History (Ch. 6)
    • Fallace, 2010 (basically does a better job than I do at explaining three stances to teaching social studies)
    • Barton & Levstik, 1996 -This is the set up to the HTCE assignment!!!!
  • Assignments
    • Complete and turn in your HTCE prep (image set, w/citation & discussion of each image)
    • Think about OIP #2; it’s due week after next. If you would like some modeling, see Keeler & Langhorst, 2008 article. It’s dated but demonstrates the idea
    • Write the history of the 30 minutes or less. 


  • Work on HTCE & Fieldwork paper
  • Take a stab at your alignment map!! It's the Rosetta Stone of your instructional unit
  • Reading
    • Chapin, Ch. 5
    • (skim) Reich, 2009
    • (Maybe look at info on the Social Studies Praxis test as well?)

Session 13 - Wednesday, 20 Apr

