This page lists, links to, and briefly describes files developed for the purposes of teaching social studies using geospatial tools (primarily Google Earth and My World GIS). Most, but not all, of these files have been developed at Lehigh University by students in the Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools (TLT 368) course taught by Dr. Hammond.
1791 - 1794: Whiskey Rebellion map created by Tom Hammond, 2018. Note that this is a replica of a project by Jeff Snyder (2010), created as a My World GIS file: Whiskey_Rebellion_ver01.m3vz
Description: Provides a path from the expedition's starting point to its terminus on the Pacific Coast. Includes images from places and encounters along the way, and makes use of the Rumsey historical map collection to include the engraved map produced from the expedition's sketches.
1804 - 2005: The Louisiana Purchase & Native American Displacement
Extensive Google Earth file – incorporating GIS data and historical map overlays – developed by the Teaching American History project at Portland State, 2008: LA_Purchase_Native_GoogleEarth.kmz
Description: Two duplicate .
186` 1861 - 1865: American Civil War, Eastern Theater Battles
Description: Two duplicate layers set to different fields: color-coded by campaign and color-coded by year. Color-coding by year allows the viewer to see and infer the broad outlines of the war strategy in this theater.
Source: Worked from the wonderful Google Earth file Civil_War_by_Campaign.kmz created by C Woodcock.
1906: Allentown City Parks System
ArcGIS Online StoryMap created by Tom Hammond, Oct 2018. (The map the StoryMap is built from is also available.)
Description: Walks through observation and analysis of the Allentown city parks system – why are the parks located where they are? What causes this pattern?
1933: Child Laws in the United States