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During class

  • Microteaching: 
    • Sarah M., "Understanding Fiscal Responsibility"


After class



  • Microteaching:

During class

    • James C., "Trading Around the World" (Can also feel free to do Play-Doh Economics!!)
    • Michelle S., Echoes & Reflections


After class


Session 13 12 - Wednesday, 27 20 Apr

Before classDuring class

  • Microteaching: Michelle S., Echoes & ReflectionsIf you haven't already, turn in your reflection!
  • Unit overview: If you haven't already, turn it in!
  • HTCE final report: If you haven't already, turn it in!

During class (ppt)

  • Microteaching de-brief?
  • Unit overview --> final unit
  • Conceptual topic #1– adaptation & accommodation of diverse learners: 
    • Getting started: Meet Tyler
    • What teacher knowledge / skill is required here? A lifetime of learning to be done here, but we will focus on building you a "survival kit" of strategies 
    • Closure: How does this influence your thinking about your unit? How does it connect to the purposes of social studies?
  • Conceptual topic #2: Pushing forward with geography ed
    • Re-establishing where we were
    • Geography educ as Big Themes. If you want to claw your eyes out, here is a list of teacher-made videos about the Five Themes of geography. If you want to really understand the Five Themes, here is a Wikipedia link.
    • Geography as stances
      • A traditionalist warm-up: Puzzle map of South America
      • A new disciplinary example: Google Earth overlay re-splitting continental regions.
      • Working toward civic-oriented stance
        • Transportation, population, and geograpgy
          • observing transportation via two videos
          • ...linking transportation to population density
          • ...linking population and geography: enactive exercise modeling the population of Japan, Australia, and the US
        • (Critique of what we just did – stereotyped / insufficiently nuanced view of a culture?)
        • What the World Eats. If I can trust you not to's a TIME magazine article about the source material
        • (Re-visiting that critique – how is this not the exact same thing as stereotyping? Is this wrong?)
        • Linking geography ed & diversity ed: Chinamanda Adichie's "Danger of a Single Story" TED talk.
        • Illustrating some Big Ideas of geography, in a very local / civic-oriented way, allowing a full-spectrum view of a culture: Community Needs, Community Resources activity
  • Closure


After class

  • Reading
    • (check out any materials you didn't get a chance to examine in class – see links above)
    • Milson, Gilbert, & Earle, 2007 (geography ed that does a nice job of addressing diversity themes)
    • Wineburg & Martin, 2009 (history ed, but discusses adapting sources)
    • Au, 2009 (good gloss on inclusive education)
  • Assignments – if you need more time on any of these, let me know!
    • Microteaching: If you haven't already, turn in your reflection!
    • Unit overview: If you haven't already, turn it in!
    • HTCE final report: If you haven't already, turn it in!
    • Fieldwork: Write up and turn in final report!


Session 13 - Wednesday, 27 Apr

Before class

During class

  • Microteaching: 


After class


Session 14 - Wednesday, 4 May
