Other geospatial tools

To this point, we've looked at the core of geospatial (GPS units, dynamic globes such as Google Earth, and GIS) plus something else that's spatial...and sometimes GEOspatial (augmented reality).

Obviously, we have more geospatial tools, or geospatial-enabled technologies, that we could discuss. Here are just a few that I think are worthwhile.


    • Jefferson's Travelshttp://viseyes.org/show/?base=jt ...There are three layers to this. The top one shows Jefferson's movement March-May in 1786. The second tab is my favorite--it shows Jefferson's correspondence from March through August. (The third tab is not as fun, but: it shows Jefferson's library: click to see book titles, scans of selected pages, etc.) 
    • Texas Slavery Project: http://viseyes.org/show/?base=tsp ...Similar concept to the Jefferson displays, but over a longer time period (1837-1845) and using polygons, not points or paths. If you run through the animation with various layers on, you can see the spread of slavery over time, and also the pattern of small slaveholding (less than 10 persons enslaved) rather than large (greater than 50). 
    • Mapscholarhttp://www.viseyes.org/mapscholar/
  • GapMinder.org: OK, so this isn't as geospatial as it could be, but it IS geospatially-organized data PLUS it's an awesome data source.
  • StoryMap: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/.  This is another of Esri's web-based tools, allowing you to blend maps and text and other images.



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