Exonerate is a generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison. It allows you to align sequences using a many alignment models, either exhaustive dynamic programming or a variety of heuristics.
The Exonerate package comes with a selection of utilities for performing simple manipulations quickly on fasta files beyond 2Gb. Hopefully their function is easy to guess from the name, but you can find more information on their usage can by running them with the --help option.
esd2esi | fasta2esd | fastaannotatecdna | fastachecksum | fastaclean |
fastaclip | fastacomposition | fastadiff | fastaexplode | fastafetch |
fastahardmask | fastaindex | fastalength | fastanrdb | fastaoverlap |
fastareformat | fastaremove | fastarevcomp | fastasoftmask | fastasort |
fastasplit | fastasubseq | fastatranslate | fastavalidcds |
Version | module name |
2.4.0 | exonerate/2.4.0 |
, multiple selections available,