Artelys Knitro
Artelys Knitro is an optimization software library for finding solutions of both continuous (smooth) optimizationmodels (with or without constraints), as well as discrete optimization models with integer or binary variables (i.e.mixed integer programs). Knitro is primarily designed for finding local optimal solutions of large-scale, continuousnonlinear problems.
Artelys Knitro is licensed to run only on sol-d118, the 512GB RAM node on Sol. This node, a condo investment by Seth Richards-Shubik, is serviced by the partition himem.
Version | module name |
10.3.0 | knitro/10.3.0 |
There are no dependent modules. However, Artelys Knitro can be used in conjunction with MATLAB or R and one of these modules can be loaded as a dependent for your workloads.
, multiple selections available,