OpenFOAM (for "Open-source Field Operation And Manipulation") is a C++ toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers, and pre-/post-processing utilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems, most prominently including computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
There are three main variants of OpenFOAM software that are released as free and open-source software under the GNU General Public License Version 3. In chronological order, these variants are as follows:
- OpenFOAM variant (openfoam) by OpenCFD Ltd. first released as open-source in 2004.
- FOAM-Extend variant by Wikki Ltd. (since 2009)
- OpenFOAM Foundation Inc. variant (openfoam-org), released by The OpenFOAM Foundation Inc. (since 2012), and transferred in 2015 to the English company The OpenFOAM Foundation Ltd.
Variant | Version | module name |
openfoam | 20 06 | openfoam/2006 |
openfoam-org | 4.1 | openfoam-org/4.1 |
9 | openfoam-org/9 |
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