
The Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) is a software framework for simulating the seismic response of structural and geotechnical systems. OpenSees has been developed as the computational platform for research in performance-based earthquake engineering at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center.


Versionmodule name


Building your own OpenSees

Not updated for version 3.3.0

OpenSees is not an easy package to build on *nix systems. OpenSees bundles various linear algebra packages such as BLAS, CBLAS, ARPACK, LAPACK, various components of SUITESPARSE, METIS and SuperLU. Many of these libraries are useful for scientific computing and are probably already installed on HPC resources or can be installed from package managers on various linux distros. It's a waste of time and resources to duplicate these libraries within OpenSees that may or not be updated with new features and bug fixes. To build OpenSees, download the following Makefile.def to the OpenSees directory


Uncomment the following line

#HOME = /zhome/alp514/source/corona2-build

and replace it with the path to the directory where OpenSees is downloaded. If you leave the file as is then OpenSees is expected in your home directory. For some reason, these script does not create the directories where the executable and libraries are stored, so create these directories

mkdir $HOME/bin $HOME/lib

Make sure that the directories in Makefile.def have the same name as your OpenSees file.For example

FE = $(HOME)/(Name of your OpenSees file)/SRC
BLAsdir = $(HOME)/(Name of your OpenSees file)/OTHERS/BLAS 

Load the intel/16.0.3 module

module load intel/16.0.3

Then type


It may take awhile to compile, get a coffee!
After it is finished, you will need to create a new module for this version of OpenSees. Download the module file

and save it to the module folder. Edit the OPENSEESHOME variable in the file and set it as the directory where your OpenSees file is located.

Adding/creating your own modules

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