Proxy Setup for Students (Banner 9)

Student Record proxy is an easy way to view a student’s secure information such as financial and student records, class schedules, and grades. Adding a proxy to view a student information involves providing a name and email address and then selecting which categories you wish to provide access to. You can add multiple proxies, and provide different access to each of them if you choose. You may also edit their information to update an email address, as well as change or revoke their access at any time.

1) Sign into your Connect

2) Click on the Student Self-Service 9 and then click on Proxy Access Management Tile


Click on the Student Proxy Access link on the left side of the Student Profile

3) Click on Add New in the upper right (or the pencil icon if editing a Proxy, trash can if deleting Proxy)

4) Fill in all Proxy information 

5) Click Submit

If desired, add other proxies by repeating the steps above for each proxy. Once added, you can manage your proxy or proxies, including adjusting their authorizations, changing their email address used to log in, resetting their PIN, or removing them completely.

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