macOS: Access I: Drive Departmental File Storage

These instructions explain how to access shared departmental LAN space (often referred to at Lehigh as the I-drive, because of how it typically appears on Windows computers). 

1.  Prerequisite: First, make sure you are connected to the Lehigh campus network, either with a cable, via WiFi, or over the internet via the VPN (if you are off campus, see Connect to the VPN (Mac)).

2.  Switch to the Finder, by clicking on the Desktop. 

3.  From the Go menu, select Connect to Server... (or use the keyboard shortcut Command-K).

4.  In the "Server Address" box, type the following:


5. Click "Connect", and approve the connection by clicking "Connect" again.

6.  If your Mac's Finder preferences are set to 'Display Connected Servers' you'll see the icon for "Common" on the desktop.  

If not, you can open a a new Finder window, and see the listing under 'Locations"

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