
Course Site reporting feature includes a suite of robust reports you can run to track, analyze, and archive actions, completion, interactions, and other activity within a Course Site course. The reports feature is available to individuals with instructor/site leader-level roles in a course. To access reports, turn on edit mode, then go to Reports.

There are reports you will typically utilize:

  • Logs - shows a list of activity, one discreet event per line, including useful detail and meta-information
  • Live logs - similar to Logs except new events will appear in real-time until live logging is paused or you navigate away (cannot be exported)
  • Activity report - shows a list of all activities in the course with associated view/interaction data and last access time
  • Course participation - shows participation (interaction/activity) data for a specified activity and/or other available parameters
  • Activity completion - shows a filterable table of enrolled student/participant-level individuals and completion status for each activity (only available if activity completion is enabled for the course)

The most useful reports for typical cases are Logs, Activity report, and Activity completion (if enabled). Those three reports are documented below, in that order. The other reports are documented below that.


The Logs report gives you the ability to run a report by participants, days, activities, actions, and event types. By default, you can simply run a general report including everything. Note: You should always use the Standard Log to run this report. To run the report, click Get these logs.

To export your report, select the file type (default is CSV) you want to download the data as, then click Download.

Activity report

The Activity report simply gives you a snapshot of how many times a particular course item/activity has been viewed and by how many users including the last access time. This report cannot be exported.

Activity completion

The Activity completion report will display a table of enrolled student/participant-level individuals (rows) and course activities for which completion is being tracked (columns). A simple checkbox is displayed for each activity per each individual - checked for complete, unchecked for incomplete. You can filter by first name and last name, separately. Note: Activity completion must be enabled and set up for the course.

For more detailed information including complete/incomplete and date/time completed for each activity per each individual, you will want to export this report using one of the provided options at the bottom of the report page. Using the Download in spreadsheet format (UTF-8.csv) is recommended, even when planning to open it in Microsoft Excel. The other option has known issues opening in Excel despite its name.

Other reports

Course participation

The Course participation report allows you to generate a list of who has participated in a given activity, and how many times. You can filter by role, group, and action (View or Post). It also provides an easy way to message students/groups who have not yet participated in a specified activity.

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