Video Summary Sheet

How to get Started

Known your material - organize your content in an outline.
Create the correct tone --Pick (or design) a simple template that doesn’t distract from your story. Consider using a standard powerpoint template.

What NOT to Do!What this Presenter should have done:

Limit the text on each slide to 6 lines or less.  You will be narrating these slides, so speak to your audience.

Make it readable on the screen -- Use San Serif Fonts, make sure your font is at least 24 point size, and use contrasting colors in a limited palette.

Avoid bullet points.

Avoid using animation or transitions.

Use meaningful high quality images that effectively support your story not distract from it.

Use consistent fonts, colors, and types of images on all your slides.

Avoid visual clutter - use single image on screen or create visual interest with word art and organization with tables.

Choose a relevant slide design.

What TO do!Why this is better:

Clean and easy to read.

Graphics are relevant and high resolution.

Consistent use of san serif fonts.

Use of reserve type in heading for emphasis.

All words spelled correctly.

Consistent use of capitalization and punctuation.

This graphic tells a quick visual story.

Acknowledge your sources.

There is a wide range of Lehigh library research guides available for various subjects and classes, plus the availability of librarians to help do research and use proper citations in presentations.  For more information please see our guides are under "How to" on

Many thanks to Jarret Brown of Lehigh's digital media team for contributons to this resource on presentations!

Contact Our Instructional Technology team, if you would like more help @

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