By default, all academic course sites are created unavailable to students. When instructors/site leaders are ready to provide access to their course sites, this setting needs to be turned on to allow access to students and participants.

Please note: Fall semester classes that include incoming first-year students are asked to delay making their courses available until the Friday before classes begin.

To make your course site available to students/participants: 

1) Log into Course Site and enter the course you wish to make available (Note: courses that are not available to students/participants will show as "hidden from students" in your dashboard) 

2) Click on the Edit Settings link in the dropdown menu under the gear icon in upper right.

3) Locate the Visible setting directly below the course short name in the General Section and change from Hide to Show.

4) Scroll to the bottom of this page to click the "Save Changes" button

5) Your course is now available to students