Linux or macOS shell: Connect to Ceph (or R-Drive)

Note: Try this only if the 'gio method' doesn't work.

Linux users may need to adjust these steps for their particular distribution and / or command environment.  

The first steps were tested in Ubuntu 14.04 using a user in the administrators or 'sudo' group.  In the instructions '<username' refers to your Lehigh username, 

  1.  Since the Ceph server uses Windows-style file sharing, you'll need to make sure that the 'cifs-utils' package is installed on your system, which contains the client software needed for such servers:
    1. $ sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
  2. Next, create a folder in your home directory to act as the mount point for the share on your file system, and mount the share to it:
    1. $ cd ~
    2. $ mkdir ceph
    3. $ sudo mount.cifs //<username> ~/ceph -o username=<username>,domain=AD
    4. At the prompt, enter the password for your Lehigh user account.

The next steps were tested in the Terminal app in mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite):

  1. $ cd ~
  2. $ mkdir ceph
  3. $ sudo mount_smbfs //<username>,edu/<username> ~/ceph
  4. When prompted, enter the password for your Lehigh user account.

To DIS-Connect:

  1. Make sure all files from the share (in the ceph directory) are closed.
  2. Move the shell focus out of the ceph directory (cd)
    1. cd ~
  3. Unmount the share:
    1. umount ~/ceph.

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