Google Drive File Clean Out Notice: Google File Shares Pending Deletion

 Lehigh Google Drive users may occasionally receive email messages with the subject line "Lehigh Google file shares pending deletion."  The body of the message may look something like this:

This is an automated message:  

There are xx files which have been shared with your account that are pending deletion in less than 2 weeks.  If you would like to keep them by becoming the new owner, you can claim them at this address -
This notification will repeat daily until the files are claimed or they are permanently deleted.

Please contact the LTS Helpdesk if you have any questions at (8-HELP)

What is this message about?

  • This message is legitimate, and is automatically sent out about 2 weeks prior the permanent deletions of files that are owned by a former student/staff member that originally created the files, prior to our purging of their account. 
  • The purpose of the message is to:
  1. Alert you that files you have access to are about to be deleted.
  2. Give you the chance to take ownership of the files so that you can continue to access them.
  • If you would like to retain the files, you need to claim them by going to Once you claim them, the files will be associated with your account and you will be the owner.
  • Anyone else who has edit rights to the files will also get this message. If the files are not "claimable" by the time you log in, it is possible that the files have been claimed by someone else.
  • The list of files that are claimable will vary as people claim them, or the accounts that own them are permanently deleted (and the files with them.)  

For immediate help, contact the LTS Help Desk (Hours)
EWFM Library | Call: 610-758-4357 (8-HELP) | Text: 610-616-5910 | Chat |
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