Instructor Instructions | Student Instructions
In order to use PeerMark the instructor must set up a Turnitin assignment on Course Site.
Complete the settings for the Turnitin assignment. Note: you do not have to use Turnitin's originality report function or other advanced options if you simply want to use PeerMark.
However, the name, availability dates, and Max Marks under 'Assignment Part 1' will need to be set. This gives the student a date/time range to submit their file for peer review. Students will not be able to submit a file after the due date passes.
When you are finished, click the 'Save and display' button at the bottom of the page.
The Turnitin Submission Inbox page will open. The Turnitin assignment along with its settings are listed at the top.
You will now need to create a PeerMark assignment. Click on the green PeerMark Manager button.
Click the green plus tab to create a new PeerMark assignment.
Give the PeerMark assignment a title. The start date and end date for the PeerMark assignment are completely independent of the Turnitin assignment. The PeerMark start date/time range sets the availability for students to review the papers and they will not be able to peer review after the due date has passed.
The Additional Settings button allows for other options. Most importantly how many papers are distributed to the students. In the example below, 1 paper will be distributed automatically to each student.
When you are finished, click the 'Save & Continue' button. The PeerMark assignment will be listed below the Turnitin assignment. The instructor now has PeerMark buttons available. The one with the gear will open the PeerMark assignment settings while the one with the menu will open up the list of what students have submitted and reviewed.
If you would like to read the review left by the student, click on the number under the Received column. If you would like to add your own comments, click on the blue edit button under the Review column.
Click on the blue check box to open the PeerMark review.
You will be able to view the comments left by the student.
Student Instructions
Click on the Turnitin Assignment in Course Site.
Submit your file.
Give your submission a title and use the file picker to find your file.
Your file will be listed in your submission inbox. When the review period opens, you will see a green PeerMark button. Click that button to begin the review process. Your review will need to be complete before the Due Date listed in the PeerMark assignment. In this case, 9/14/2016 at 10:05AM.
Click on the 'Write Reviews' tab>Start a review.
Add comments by clicking anywhere on the document. Click save when you are finished.
Your comments will show as bubbles throughout the document as well as listed under the comments tab in the right menu.
You can save your work and come back at a later time to complete the review before the due date. However, clicking 'Save' does not submit your review.
When you are finished with your review, click 'Submit.'
You will get a confirmation when you submit.
You can access the review left for you by clicking on the green PeerMark button.
Click on the green Read Reviews tab.
Your review will open and you will be able to review the comments left for you by hovering over the bubbles.