- Log into course site and navigate to the course and then click on Grades from the top-level course navigation.
2. Click Export from the drop-down menu on the left side
Select Excel Spreadsheet from the Export as drop-down, check what you would like to export and then click "download."
3. Save the file to a location and then open the file in excel.
- Go to Excel and open the file that you have created. Add grades to fields or add additional columns for assignments. When you are done you need to save your Excel file as a .CSV
2. Go back to the gradebook set up, and click the Import tab. Browse or drag the file that you want to upload. This MUST be a .csv file.
3. Select the Assignments that you would like to update and then click upload.
4. You will get a message indicating that the grades have been successfully updated. Click "Continue."
5. Once you click "continue" it will return you to the grader report.