If you are trying to recover access to your account and are not receiving your password reset email: Contact the LTS Help Desk for assistance regaining access to your account.
What do I do if I cannot obtain a non-Lehigh email address?
Contact the LTS Help Desk, and we will assist you with obtaining a personal email account or discuss other potential account recovery options.
How does this affect Lehigh Organizational Accounts ('in' accounts)
Organizational accounts, usually called "in accounts", are automatically configured to send password recovery emails to the account owner's Lehigh email. For example, suppose the user 'abc123' is on record as the owner of the account 'inexample' and needs to reset its password. After accessing https://lehigh.edu/forgot and entering 'inexample', the password reset email will be sent to abc123@lehigh.edu.
Why is Lehigh moving away from security questions?