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An open source, e-portfolio system.

An e-portfolio is a system in which students can record "evidences of lifelong learning" - such as essays, artwork or other such things they produce that can be stored digitally. Such things are known as artefacts in Mahara.*

What can you do with Mahara?


  1. Use the built-in resume tool to create modules of information about yourself
  2. Control access to your information from within Lehigh and also for external viewers
  3. Create a repository of items that can be organized into custom views for different audiences (e.g. prospective employers, advisors, teachers, fellow students)
  4. Export your content out of Mahara after graduation, so you can import the views on another system. (My Portfolio, Export, Standalone HTML Website)

With Mahara, you control which items and what information within your portfolio other users see. Such items and information are termed artefacts. To facilitate this access control, all artefacts you wish to show to other users need to be arranged into one area. In Mahara this compilation of selected artefacts is called a View. You can have as many Views as you like, each with a different collection of artefacts, and intended purpose and audience. Your audience, or the people you wish to give access to your View, can be added as individuals or as a member of a Group. It can even be made publicly available.*

How do you access it?

From Course Site home page, see block named “Additional Resources”, click on Mahara, you will be automatically logged into to Mahara and taken to the Home Page.


                My Portfolio, Create View
The different types of content are available under the tabs. When you locate a piece of content, simply drag it it down to below the grey line. When content blocks are added, drag them around the page to organize them. Depending on the type of content, you may need to enter additional information. If you want to upload documents, pictures, videos, etc, go to the My Files tab. This will then make them available to be added to a view.


My Portfolio, My Views, Edit View access, “Add Secret URL"


Contact: Ilena Key - ilk204@Lehigh.EDU - Voice 610.758.5045

Instructional Technology Consultant, LTS Team Leader for the support team for the RCEASSubmit a ticket with the Instructional Technology team at