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Request your Slack Workspace  For course workspaces, please use the course short name, including the term code, eg.  CHM095-060-FL20, or ACCT151-010-SP21

You can request a Workspace by logging into and submitting a request, or by contacting the help desk at a new Slack Workspace 

Download the Slack desktop app for your computer.

Download the Slack mobile app for iOS or Android.

Update your profile information and upload a profile picture.

Review your workspace settings & permissions, and adjust as necessary. Please keep your workspace access set to: “Invite Only” or “Hidden” to keep your workspace private to students enrolled in your course.

Other key decisions:

  • Do you want to allow students to create private channels? 
  • Do you want to allow students to edit or delete their messages after they’ve sent?

Rename your #general channel to #[coursename]-announcements. Post and pin important content to the channel such as course outline, policies, response time expectations, office hours etc. 

Tip: To reduce noise, you can limit posting permissions in this channel to just you and your TAs.

Create and set your default channels that all students should join.

 At a minimum, create a #[coursename]-help channel in addition to #announcements.

Here are some additional channel ideas:

  • #course-discussion. Slack is a great medium for sharing resources & articles with students as you came across them in your own professional reading. Most internet links will unfurl a helpful preview, and you can use threads to keep discussions about a specific topic organized. A simple #discussion channel is a great place to get students engaged. Share your favorite books, your latest publication, or ask a question.
  • #office-hours: Your students want to communicate with you, but traditional office hours often don’t meet their needs. Email can create a barrier that prevents students from reaching out. Slack facilitates quick communication with fewer barriers, easy learning curve, and great mobile functionality.
  • #project-xyz: Does your course have a PBL or group project component? Create a private channel for each group and invite students. Each group can have its own channel to collaborate and share files with each other. Instructors can post resources for groups in their specific channels and periodically check in / offer assistance if needed. 
  • #lecture: Set up a live classroom channel to use during lectures or tutorials. Students can post clarifying questions or comments during the lesson, you can poll the class, or you can ask students to share their thoughts during break. Periodic check-ins over Slack can also add much-needed pauses into the instructional flow. Give it a try! Managing a live channel during class takes practice, but it can pay off in a more valuable and inclusive lesson for shy students.

    Please note: Students will not automatically be added to new channels created after they’ve joined the workspace, so set any default course-wide channels before the course starts.

Define each Channel Purpose and Channel Topic

Set up and manage apps on your workspace. Pre-approve integrations with other software tools you’ll be using in your course. 

Define and share your course policies and guidelines for using Slack. If possible, add this to your course syllabus. Post your guidelines in your #announcements channel before day 1 so everyone sees them. 


  • “For this course, important course announcements will be made via Slack announcement channel.”
  • “Post your questions, queries, feedback and anything course related via Slack but be aware that you are not supposed to provide solutions”
  • “Slack discussion forum is the best place to ask a question related to an assignment or a concept in the learning materials. Sometimes students are shy about posting questions, but please don't be; you will find many of your peers have the same questions.”
  • “Follow the channel naming conventions if you create new channels”
  • “I encourage you to introduce yourself to me and your peers via Slack if you like, and also invite you to post a picture of you on Slack, so everyone has a face to whom we are working with.”

Define your policy for responding to Direct Messages. If it is your policy not to respond to direct messages from students, please state this. Your policy should be included on your syllabus and Slack profile along with your email policies. We are not mandating that you respond to messages. We do ask that you have a policy that makes it clear to students what to expect from you. 

Example Policies:

  • “I am available for direct messages MW 2:00PM - 3:00PM and will respond only to messages sent during that time,”
  • “I will any direct messages sent to me at any time between 1:00PM and 2:00PM on Thursdays.”
  • “I do not reply to direct messages from students, please use email instead.”

Optional and Recommended

  • Consider putting your policy for direct messages on your faculty profile page.

Add your students & TAs/ graders to your workspace

Invite your students to your workspace by uploading their email addresses to Slack. Once students are invited, the workspace for your class should appear when they log on to the lehigh enterprise grid.  Students can log onto the grid at

Students should be provisioned into your workspace before the term begins. If any student cannot log into your workspace, please double check your workspace membership from this link.


  • Where can I go for further support with Slack?[Outline
  • your internal IT / technical support process (note - Slack’s Customer Experience team is always available)]Post questions in #help-slack channel within the Lehigh University Home workspace that is open to all members of the Lehigh University Community
  • How can we do external collaboration with Slack?
