Any LTS staff making changes to LTS defined Tier 0, 1, and Tier 2 services must follow this procedure. To create a change request, go to the LTS Service Desk management at https://lehigh.atlassian.net/jira/servicedesk/projects/LTS/queues/custom/19,forms/form/direct/51/10122?requestTypeId=81 create a ticket, and select Change Request for the Request Type. Enter necessary information.
Changes to the Secure Research Cloud must follow this process in addition to IaC and Cloud Steering Committee reviews.
Important Note: Planned changes must be submitted 3 working days ahead of the change. Some resources will require more such as HPC. HPC provides a 14 day notice before a scheduled outage, anything between 3-4 weeks lead time would be nice. We also need a minimum of 3 day notice to pause the scheduler and let jobs complete normally. Anything affecting HPC with less than 3 days lead time is unacceptable.