On November 25, 2024, our team sent the following message to the HPC mailing list.
Hi All, This message provides notice that the The Sol cluster (and , including the Hawk expansion) , will have a scheduled downtime on January 6-8, 2025. During the downtime, our team will upgrade the scheduler (SLURM), the operating system (OS), and make a large set of new software available. All users should expect to modify or update their workflows in order to continue computing after the OS upgrade, since these upgrades will almost certainly disrupt your existing compiled codes, our plentiful but aging sofware modules, and your virtual environments. To explain all of the important details and actions you should take, we have provided a guide on our knowledge base. We encourage users to get in touch with us, by opening a help ticket, in order to (1) request software modules they will need after the upgrade, (2) share instructions for testing existing codes on the new software, and (3) answer any questions about the upgrade. We will repeat this announcement in the coming weeks to remind you. We ask you to provide all requests for software or advance testing before December 20, 2024. Requests submiteed submitted after that will be addressed as time allows. We expect this change to improve the security of our system while also giving us an opportunity to streamline the software and partition system in order to make it more usable to our research community. Thank you in advance for helping us prepare for a seamless transition for Sol. –Ryan