All libraries are compiled with multiple compilers. Since in LMOD, you can only load one compiler module at a time, you should only see libraries built for the compiler that is loaded and the system default gcc 8.3.1 compiler. The loaded compiler (default is intel/20.0.3) takes precedence over the system compiler. To use the libraries compiled with the system default, unload compiler modules (intel, gcc, oneapi or nvhpc). Use the module show command to find the path to the lib and include directories to add the LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS when compiling applications.
MPI enabled libraries are built with mpich, mvapich2 and openmpi. Since you can only load one mpi library at a time, you should one see one set of libraries built with mpich/mvapich2 with the compiler loaded. For libraries such as fftw, hdf5, etc that have serial as well as mpi versions, the mpi compiled libraries will take precedence. Unload the mpi library to use the serial library.
- Eigen
- Global Arrays
- HDF5
- Intel MKL/Intel OneAPI MKL
- Intel TBB/Intel OneAPI TBB
- Libarchive
- NETCDF (C,C++,Fortran)
- NLOpt
- OpenBabel
- OpenBLAS
- Qhull
- QRUpdate
- SuiteSparse
- SuperLU
- TK