Slack is a collaboration hub, where you and your students can work together to share, discuss, and engage with learning on a deeper level. Slack is a searchable platform for messaging, content sharing, and integrations with other software tools. Slack is replacing email as the main communication tool all over the world.
Watch: What is Slack?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RJZMSsH7-g
- Interact with your students more effectively & build a more human connection online
- Improve faculty-student engagement and interaction
- Create a digital classroom community, with students supporting each others’ learning
- Dramatically reduce email volume by communicating in open channels & building a shared searchable archiveState-of-the-art user experience & mobile compatibility
- Use a tool that is broadly adopted across public & private sector industries.
- Remarkably easier Easy to alert the class about assignments, schedule changes, or helpful tips
- Work with community partners & industry collaborators – through shared channels or guest accounts
Workspaces: Separate instances of Slack that are all centrally managed by Lehigh. Instructors will be the administrators of their own course workspaces. Taken altogether, our workspaces form our “Slack Grid”“Lehigh Slack Enterprise”.
Channels: Conversations in Slack happen in channels. You can create channels based on course topics, group projects, announcements, and more. Workspace members can join and leave channels as needed, though some may be mandatory.
Request your Slack Workspace For course workspaces, please use the course short name, including the term code, eg. CHM095-060-FL20, or ACCT151-010-SP21 You can request a Workspace by logging into https://lehigh.enterprise.slack.com/ and submitting a request, or by contacting the help desk at https://www.lehigh.edu/help | ||
Download the Slack desktop app for your computer. | ||
Update your profile information and upload a profile picture. | ||
Review your workspace settings & permissions, and adjust as necessary. Please keep your workspace access set to: “Invite Only” or “Hidden” to keep your workspace private to students enrolled in your course. Other key decisions:
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Rename your #general channel to #[coursename]-announcements. Post and pin important content to the channel such as course outline, policies, response time expectations, office hours etc. Tip: To reduce noise, you can limit posting permissions in this channel to just you and your TAs. | ||
Create and set your default channels that all students should join. At a minimum, create a #[coursename]-help channel in addition to #announcements. Here are some additional channel ideas:
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Define each Channel Purpose and Channel Topic | ||
Set up and manage apps on your workspace. Pre-approve integrations with other software tools you’ll be using in your course. | ||
Define and share your course policies and guidelines for using Slack. If possible, add this to your course syllabus. Post your guidelines in your #announcements channel before day 1 so everyone sees them.
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Define your policy for responding to Direct Messages. If it is your policy not to respond to direct messages from students, please state this. Your policy should be included on your syllabus and Slack profile along with your email policies. We are not mandating that you respond to messages. We do ask that you have a policy that makes it clear to students what to expect from you. Example Policies:
Optional and Recommended
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Optional: Disable Blackboard Discussions and Piazza to reduce confusion for learners on where course discussion happens. If you are using Blackboard Ultra, do not use class conversations on assignments and content. Clearly indicate communication tool per topic (e.g. grade disputes and other official/formal messages vs. general questions vs. assignment submission). If you are using Slack for announcements, disable announcements in Blackboard. | Add your students & TAs/ graders to your workspace. [Insert the appropriate invite method below]Add your students & TAs/ graders to your workspace. Invite your students to your workspace by uploading their email addresses to Slack. Once students are invited, the workspace for your class should appear when they log on to the lehigh enterprise grid. Students can log onto the grid at https://lehigh.enterprise.slack.com Students should be provisioned into your workspace before the term begins. If any student cannot log into your workspace, please double check your workspace membership from this link. |