An introductory guide to your role as a Slack workspace instructor admin at Lehigh University
This guide covers:
- Introduction to Slack and Lehigh Slack at Lehigh UniversityEnterprise
- What is Slack?
- Why would I want to use Slack in my course?
- Slack terminology
- Workspace Workspace Setup Checklist
- Slack Slack Channels
- Public vs. private channels
- Channel ideas to implement in your course
- Communication Etiquette in Communication Etiquette in Slack
- Learn moreMore
- Managing your workday in Slack
- Slack Use-Case Ideas
- FAQs
- Product Tips & Tricks
Workspace Setup Checklist
Slack Workspace Setup Checklist | |
Request your Slack Workspace by TBD - still working out some of these details | |
Download the Slack desktop app for your computer. | |
Update your profile information and upload a profile picture. | |
Review your workspace settings & permissions, and adjust as necessary. Please keep your workspace access set to: “Invite Only” or “Hidden” to keep your workspace private to students enrolled in your course. Other key decisions:
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Use your course site course number in your workspace name | |
Rename your #general channel to #[coursename]-announcements. Post and pin important content to the channel such as course outline, policies, response time expectations, office hours etc. Tip: To reduce noise, you can limit posting permissions in this channel to just you and your TAs. | |
Create and set your default channels that all students should join. At a minimum, create a #[coursename]-help channel in addition to #announcements. Here are some additional channel ideas:
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Define each Channel Purpose and Channel Topic | |
Set up and manage apps on your workspace. Pre-approve integrations with other software tools you’ll be using in your course. | |
Define and share your course policies and guidelines for using Slack. If possible, add this to your course syllabus. Post your guidelines in your #announcements channel before day 1 so everyone sees them.
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Define your policy for responding to Direct Messages. If it is your policy not to respond to direct messages from students, please state this. Your policy should be included on your syllabus and Slack profile along with your email policies. We are not mandating that you respond to messages. We do ask that you have a policy that makes it clear to students what to expect from you. Example Policies:
Optional and Recommended
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Optional: Disable Blackboard Discussions and Piazza to reduce confusion for learners on where course discussion happens. If you are using Blackboard Ultra, do not use class conversations on assignments and content. Clearly indicate communication tool per topic (e.g. grade disputes and other official/formal messages vs. general questions vs. assignment submission). If you are using Slack for announcements, disable announcements in Blackboard. | |
Add your students & TAs/ graders to your workspace. [Insert the appropriate invite method below] Invite your students to your workspace by uploading their email addresses to Slack. Once students are invited, the workspace for your class should appear when they log on to the [school name] grid. Students can log onto the grid at [schoolname].enterprise.slack.com Students should be provisioned into your workspace before the term begins. If any student cannot log into your workspace, please double check your workspace membership from this link. |
Slack Channels
Public channels: Can be browsed and joined by anyone on the workspace. Public channels are denoted with a # in Slack. Slack is about open communication and collaboration, so public channels are preferred. To make it easy to find information, search will return results from all public channels on your workspace (even if you’re not a member of that channel). Workspace members can join and leave public channels at will.
Private channels: Can only be viewed and joined if you’re invited by an existing member of the channel. Private channels are denoted with a lock icon 🔒in Slack. Search only return results from private channels you’re a member of – even if you’re an administrator. Private channels should be reserved for group projects and other topics that aren’t for the entire class’ eyes.
Channel ideas:
Example Course: ENG 100 | Suggested Purpose |
#eng100-announcements | Course information, class-wide announcements (previously #general, renamed to #hsc100-announcements). You can lock this channel down so only administrators can post. |
#eng100-help | General question and answer channel where students can crowdsource assistance on course concepts. |
#eng100-assignment-1 | Channel for communication on course assignments 1, 2, 3, etc. |
#eng100-office-hours | Office hour locations, guidelines, scheduling. |
#eng100-discuss | General discussion on course material – great for sharing articles or posing questions to the class during lecture or tutorial. |
Please note: Students will not automatically be added to new channels created after they’ve joined the workspace, so set any default course-wide channels before the course starts.
- Post your Slack etiquette guidelines. Here’s an example you can use:
*Behavioral etiquette* *:mag_right: Search before posting* Slack is intended to be our knowledge bank. Try to search Slack first before asking someone to find answers. *:raising_hand: Respond with your input, answer, or decision in a timely manner* Within working hours, answer when fellow students mention you. If you are busy and cannot provide a full answer, that’s ok! Simply acknowledge the question or ask with :eyes: to indicate you’ve seen it and come back later. I will do the same. *:hourglass_flowing_sand: Socialize your availability* Use Do Not Disturb mode and turn on snooze notifications if you’re asleep or unavailable. Your classmates will receive a notification that you are busy. Edit your profile status to indicate if you’re away and for how long (e.g. Joe Smith :palm_tree: > 12/01). *_I will be updating my Status to reflect my availability as well. Please respect my dedicated research/lecture times._* *:red_circle: Customize your notifications across Slack’s mobile app, desktop app, and web browser* The recommended setting is to enable push notifications for mentions and direct messages across mobile and desktop. :bulb:Pro tip: you can customize your notification down to channel by channel level - great for team work! *Channel etiquette* *:+1: Do use public channels, almost always* As much as possible should take place in the public channels - to make it searchable, open, and accessible to others. Help each other find answers! *:exclamation: Make sure there’s a reason to create private channels* Rarely necessary, the only reason for making a private channel is if only select members should see confidential information. Your team channel may/ may not be private! Discuss among your teams during Week 1 on how you want to leverage Slack! |
- Encourage use of message threads. Threads create a “mini sidebar” conversation within a channel, and help to keep channels neat and tidy.
- Shared Channels
- Guest accounts – single channel and multi-channel guests
Tips & Tricks