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Instructor's station display
How do I log into a Lehigh PC?
Once any LTS computing site computer has been started and is ready for use, you will see the instruction to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to Login. Pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys will invoke a login dialog box. To log into the computer, enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields; press the Tab key to move between fields. Make sure "Log on to: AD" below the password field is visible. If it says something like "Log on to: PS-xxxxx" then you'll need to enter your username as "ad\username" in the username field. If it says "Log on to: FSxxxxxx" then it's a faculty/staff machine (you may still be able to login using ad\username if you have permission). When you are finished using a computer at an LTS Computing Site, REMEMBER TO LOG OUT. If you fail to log out, someone could access your email, coursework, or academic records. To log out, click on Start and choose Log Off from the Start Menu. Make sure you are completely logged out before you leave the PC. Often the logout process with require user confirmation or the process could hang. You are not logged out until the PC returns to the main Logon screen.
How do I handle a locked workstation?
If another user has been logged into the workstation and left without logging out, the computer will display the message "Press ctrl + alt + delete to unlock this computer" and below that in small type it says who's logged on. If you are not the user who is logged in you will need to turn the PC off and then on again. Hold the On/Off button down for at least 10 5 seconds or until you see the light behind the button disappear. Then, turn the PC back on, and log in as usual.
On boot up the computer will display some messages as it loads it's operating system into memory. The system will briefly display a menu with two choices: Press F3 to ghost or wait 5 seconds for normal boot. If F3 is selected, the reload process will take 30- 40 minutes on a lightly loaded network with a 100Mb connection. Please do not touch the keyboard until the process is completed. It is important to not interrupt this process once it has started. Ghost Refresh - If you selected Ghost Single Refresh option, the computer will load software to connect to a remote image server and run ghost from this server to restore the hard drive image for this computing site computer. As it finishes, it will automatically reboot the computer twice more. The Ghost refresh resolves many computing issues, including printing problems, software errors, network problems, and more. When the refresh process is complete, all software not on the base image will have been removed from the hard drive (see software section below for an explanation). The The computer will continue to start up Windows and then present you with the login screen.
What will I find on the Desktop?
The Windows desktop contains several items.
In the Start Menu are:
- Chrome
- MS Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio)
- Software
- Course Site
- Google Apps
- Printing
- PortalLehigh G Suite (Mail, Calendar, Drive, etc)
- Portal
- LU Apps (Citrix app streaming launcher)
- LTS Help Desk
- Photos
- LTS Updates
- Papercut printing impact widgetMATLAB
- SmarTTY (a gui ssh client)
On the desktop you'll see a reminder to logout, a logout icon (double click to logout), and the Papercut printing widget with your current balance.
At the bottom of your screen is the taskbar which includes the Start button at one end and the system clock at the other.
Other icons, such as the Firefox, IE, Chrome and Word quick launch and the Microsoft Antivirus active protection logo, may appear in the taskbar.
All software can be started from the Start button's 'All Programs' menu.
How do I install software on a classroom computer?
Each classroom or lab computer comes with a base set of programs, which include the following titles: Adobe Reader, iTunes, Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection Microsoft Windows Security (antivirus software), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Notepad ++, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Thunderbird, along with Quick time, VLC and Paint.NET. (Other utility programs are under Accessories.) LTS refers to this base set of programs as the base image. Performing a complete software reload provides a new copy of this base image to the computer's hard drive. Click the Software link on the Desktop to install software that is not included in the base image. There may be restrictions on where some titles can be installed.