Jira Service Desk - request form
- The top-most question asks who the request is for–you can submit requests for yourself as well as for other Lehigh users.
- You can simply leave the field blank if the request is for yourself. Otherwise begin typing a username or first/last name of the person who the request is for–Jira's auto lookup feature allows you to find and select users fast.
- Fill out the rest of the fields–the more information you can enter, the quicker LTS can provide service.
- Not all fields are required however, tickets won't be able to be created if a required field is left blank!
- A gray box will appear in the bottom-right corner as soon as you begin entering text in the Summary field–this box provides relevant knowledge base articles that could save you time and not have to submit a request.
- Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen to create your request.