If you have provisioned your course for Panopto from course site, your videos will automatically be made available to your students in the Panopto block on your course. As a best practice, you should always log into Panopto from course site.
HoweverAlthough not the preferred method, you can log into Panopto website directly. Goto https://lehighonline.hosted.panopto.com and login to Panopto via Course Site. You will need to log in using your Lehigh credentials.
Make Video Links AvailableAvailable Manually
To share video, keep Panopto browser window open. (If you accidently closed, click the “Course Settings” link in Panopto block. Close the recording settings window.)
You may also choose to copy and paste the embed code, in order to have the video play within the course .
However, the easiest way to do this is to use the Panopto tool in the course site text editor.