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Comment: Reduced to single page with links to further details


The Tracking System:  Jira Sevice Desk

LTS uses Jira Service Desk to track your LTS help requests. Jira Service Desk  The system provides you with an easy-to-use portal that lets you request help, track log in too, so that you can check the status of your requests , and see all your past and current requests.

Interface overview




and help guide work.

Jira Service Desk Home Screen

Note the key features of the main screen:

  1. Search bar: So often, just a quick search can find an easy answer that you can apply immediately, by yourself, and not have to submit a request!


  1. Picking the proper request type helps LTS get your request to the person that can help you as quickly as possible


Jira Service Desk - request form
  1. The top-most question asks who the request is for–you can submit requests for yourself as well as for other Lehigh users.
    1. You can simply leave the field blank if the request is for yourself. Otherwise begin typing a username or first/last name of the person who the request is for–Jira's auto lookup feature allows you to find and select users fast.
  2. Fill out the rest of the fields–the more information you can enter, the quicker LTS can provide service.
    1. Not all fields are required however, tickets won't be able to be created if a required field is left blank!
  3. A gray box will appear in the bottom-right corner as soon as you begin entering text in the Summary field–this box provides relevant knowledge base articles that could save you time.
  4. Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen to create your request.

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Jira Service Desk - a service desk request
  1. You can see the title of the request and its status

  2. You can add comments to your request--this will send your comment to LTS.

  3. You can see the details of the original request. You cannot edit these details, but LTS can, so if something should be changed, just add a comment.

  4. People involved shows all the people involved with your request.

  5. You can add people to the request. They will receive all updates about this request.

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  1. Click on Requests at the top-right corner and then select, My requests
  2. You can view your open and closed requests
  3. You can view requests that you created, that were created for you, or that were shared with you


  1. Request Types:  The first step in finding the right person to help is picking out the kind of need you have.
  2. Previous Requests List: Click here to see all of your previous requests, comment on their status, etc.

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What happens next?

  1.  What's asked on the request form?
  2.  What do all these details mean?
  3.  How can I see my current and previous requests?