At the next screen, change the name of the collection to mirror your personal portfolio. In this case, I changed the name to Jason's Grad Portfolio. Click the "Next: Edit collection pages" button."
At this point you will see the list of pages from the collection. No action is required on this page, click the "Done" button.
At this point, all the pages in the collection have been added to your portfolio and you will see the collection in your list.
You can click on the collection to begin editing your pages and adding content.
You will see that all the titles of the pages you copied are listed in tabs horizontally across top of the portfolio. The first thing you should do is remove the "Copy of..." text of the title. To do so, click on the page you want to edit and click the "Edit this page" button.
You will now be brought into the editing portion of the page. To edit the title and remove the "Copy of..." text, click the "Edit title and description" tab and change the Page title accordingly.
You can follow the same process to change the names of the other pages. Once you are finished changing the page names, you can move on to adding content and artifacts to your portfolio. Directions on how to add content to your portfolio can be found at Mahara e-Portfolio Information.